ConservativeWave » 3 minutes ago » wrote: ↑
I had a clearance for YEARS... and saw people LOSE their clearances for things MUCH less than what these guys did! Stop to THINK about it... They LIED to the American people, in order to rig a Presidential election for a POLITICAL party... WHEN, they are supposed to be BLIND to everything but JUSTICE, under the LAW !
These 51 people deserve MUCH WORSE than being fired... and SHOULD spend time in JAIL for what they did ! THINK about it... THEY QUITE PROBABLY INFLUENCED a Presidential election, that was razor thin even after their letter, THAT sparked the January 6th protest, that the Democrat party then ACCUSED TRUMP of attempts to undermine the 2020 election ?
WHO were REALLY tried to "Undermine the 2020 election
Reciting social policies practiced for generations same way. that is intellectual precedence not evolving never staying same details as genetic original fertilized cell at conception.